How to achieve a healthy work/life balance at home

For thousands of people who have been asked to work remotely, this means extra challenges when trying to balance the demands of home life and work life. With your professional life trying to find its place inside your home, it is more important than ever to ensure that you are taking the steps to strike a healthy equilibrium between the two. With self-care a top priority of mine, I have gathered some of the best tips to ensure that we are all creating the most productive work environment at home whilst also looking after ourselves and enjoying life as much as we can do.

Your Morning Routine

Ensure that you keep up with a normal morning routine and allow yourself the time to wake up and be ready for the day. I always start my morning with a walk outside and a warm shower before getting dressed. It is very tempting to remain in your pyjamas when there is nowhere to go, but for productivity sake always ensure that getting dressed is part of your routine. This will make you feel both mentally and physically ready to start your working day.

Your Designated Work Space

Ensure that you dedicate one area in your home that is for work. This at-home office will help to create a productive work environment that is separate from the areas in your home where you do everyday things. Treat this area like an office, for instance, once you have commuted to this area, you have left your house and entered your office. I also like to have a space that I can shut the door on to create a physical barrier to mark the end of my working day.


While we’re unable to meet with our colleagues or chat socially to our friends in person, there are many apps and websites available to ensure that we don’t disconnect. It is important to keep lines of communication open with your team and communicate effectively, this ensures that you are all on the same page and you are all reaching your goals – if you live alone, it can also make you feel a little less lonely.

It is also important to make sure that you keep your social calendar as busy as possible with your peers. There have been various amazing ideas that we have already seen from virtual dinner parties and bingo nights to themed quizzes and virtual cheese and wine nights. Embrace this digital world and bring together your friends.

Schedule Time for Yourself

Making time for yourself to unwind is extremely important. Whether that is by taking a walk in the fresh air or by running yourself a hot bath, taking time for yourself will ensure that you are looking after yourself and providing an opportunity to stop, breathe and switch off.

It is important that you give yourself some time to adjust to this new normal. Be patient with yourself and you will soon find a new routine that suits all areas of your lives.

Happy working!

Rebecca x