Can you improve menopause symptoms with a visit to the Spa?


World Menopause Day is taking place this year on the 18th October, and it is estimated that there are currently 12 million women going through the menopause in the UK. Thankfully, due to celebrities such as Davina McCall and Meg Mathews championing the conversation and the Menopause All-Party Parliamentary Group, many people are finally realising that it is a topic that should be spoken about more openly and hopefully women should be able to access help and support much more easily in the future.
At the Spa at Bedford Lodge Hotel we want to be accessible to all and know that those experiencing hormonal changes, including the symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause, are often looking for more than just physical help – the emotional challenges can be very draining too.
To help those going through these changes, I’ve put together some advice on relieving the symptoms, but please do speak to your GP to ask for medical advice if you would like any additional support.

Take time to look after yourself
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests having a healthy diet and lifestyle, along with regular exercise and finding time for relaxation and rest, can help relieve menopausal symptoms, so don’t feel guilty if you need to take time out from your hectic schedule to rest and reset. Anxiety is often a symptom of the menopause, so try to get out into nature when you can (perhaps schedule in a local walk during your lunchbreak) and nourish yourself with a colourful rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Of course, booking in for a spa day is also great way to take some me time and relieve stress!

Prioritise sleep!
Difficulty sleeping is one of the most commonly reported symptoms, with 84% women going through the menopause saying it is an issue. I believe that one of the key things to help sleep is good sleep hygiene (such as no screentime an hour before bed) and a restful bedtime ritual – kickstart your routine by booking in for our The Restful Night’s Sleep Spa Break. This has been created with sleep therapy, blissful relaxation, and tools to calm the mind, to ultimately encourage the best quality sleep. The package includes a dry floatation experience to relax aching muscles and joints, as well as full access to the spa, and a special sleep-inducing ESPA Treasured Night’s gift set waiting for you in your room. This includes a beautiful pillow mist, restful night cream and essential oils, delivering all those calming aromas needed for a restful night’s sleep.

Request a bespoke massage
Our massage therapists are all trained to use the power of touch therapy to help nurture and heal, so why not book in for a Personalised Massage and can you discuss your individual needs when you have your detailed pre-treatment consultation. It may be that the therapist will pay special attention to the abdomen and lower back, but they can be led by you as to what feels most comfortable.


Try Reflexology
Reflexology is an ancient healing art that works in a different way to rebalance energy, relieve stress, and improve wellbeing – all while creating a sense of deep relaxation. It can be used to improve menopause symptoms and it is one of my favourite complementary holistic therapies, as you often feel so much more energised and more in balance after a session. For the best results, we recommend booking in for a course of treatments.

Until next time,
Kate x