Meet Alison Byrne MBIAE

Minor skin blemishes, moles, lesions and imperfections can affect the way we feel about our appearance and can even affect our self-confidence. Many of these imperfections are considered ‘cosmetic’ concerns and would not be treated on the NHS.

At The Spa at Bedford Lodge Hotel, we believe, passionately that everyone should love their appearance, every day and this is why we offer Advanced Electrolysis to treat and remove minor skin imperfections such as Age Spots, Verrucae-Warts, Skin Tags, Milia, Thread Veins (Telangiectasia), Xanthelasma, Seborrheic Hyperplasia, Seborrheic Keratosis-Warts and treatment of some Moles.

Alison Byrne is an expert in the removal of skin imperfections using Advanced Electrolysis and has been in the beauty industry for over 20 years, running her own business for 15 years before coming to The Spa at Bedford Lodge Hotel. She is a member of the board of the British Institute and Association of Electrolysis (BIAE) which ensures that she is not only, fully up to date with all rules, regulations and safety measures but is part of the team which sets those standards.

Alison is passionate about the treatments that she can offer and understands that the smallest blemish can affect a person’s everyday life. “Most treatments with Advanced Electrolysis only take a few minutes but can increase someone’s confidence dramatically”.

Alison is fully insured through the BIAE and is registered with Bedford Lodge Hotel and local authority. Patient safety and wellbeing is of utmost importance. Therefore, a pre-treatment consultation is required prior to any procedure with Advanced Electrolysis, so that your individual concerns, medical history and expected results can be discussed with Alison; ensuring that you are not only suitable for treatment but fully confident and knowledgeable about the process.

Please note that permission from your GP may be required for some treatments.


For more information on Alison Byrne and to arrange a no-obligation consultation, please call us on 01638 676130.